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(大马药业) 秘鲁黄色玛卡 Peru Maca (Yellow) 70g±

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RM 77.00
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RM 77.00
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玛卡(Maca)又称为 秘鲁人参, 只生长于海拔4000~4500公尺的安第斯山脉上, 由于少有植物能适应此寒冷、强烈日照、低氧和强风的严峻环境。因此,玛卡被世界粮农组织誉为全球珍稀植物, 并被认为是坚韧、强健的代表。

以黑玛卡最为珍贵,不仅产量少, 营养成分与其他玛卡比较, 更远胜数十倍之多。

玛卡 Maca

1.可以强健精神体力、有效地对抗疲劳 带来提振精神、增强活力的效果。增强免疫功能。

2. 对于女性, 可以调节内分泌  对抗更年期综合症 改善睡眠, 平衡体内荷尔蒙水平及修复生理机能。

3. 促进男性体力, 补肾, 改善性功能, 提升精子质量

适用于切片后煲汤, 泡茶, 磨粉进胶囊服用

Maca is known as Peruvian Ginseng. It mainly grows in the Andes of central Peru in harsh conditions and at a very high altitudes around 4000m~4500m.

Maca is good for:

1.  Increase strength, boost energy, improve exercise performance and relieves fatigue.

2. Helps relieve symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes and disrupted sleep at night, female hormone imbalance and etc.

After sliced, can be used in boiling soup, brewing tea or consume in powder/capsule.